Are you ever sorry you asked for advice from an amateur?

You wouldn’t ask an unqualified mate how to operate on your pet.

You probably wouldn’t fancy hopping onto YouTube to perform heart surgery.

But when faced with a career-change dilemma, you ask EVERYONE.

The answers you get will be a bit like a conversation I had with my young son.

  • Daddy: Noah, where’s your skull?
  • Noah: In the village. It has a red fence around it.
  • Daddy Skull, not school.
  • Noah: What’s that, a poorly spot?
  • Daddy: No, it’s not a spot – brown ones are called moles.
  • Noah: There’s a mole. It’s got hairs on it. And sharp teeth.

Asking amateurs about what career you should change to and how to go about it will be full of misunderstanding from not analytical listening, non-sustained focus, and completely ill-informed observations.

Why are you stuck at a career crossroads?

And you wonder why you are still stuck at a crossroads with your career, unable to move beyond the overwhelm and feeling completely lost?

When you work with a professional career coach, you are expertly guided through a proven career coaching program designed specifically to help you find your right path, so you can move Beyond the Crossroads to live a life you’ll love.

Sure, working with a professional costs money and amateurs are free.

It’s your choice when it comes to the results you get.

Buying a teaspoon is cheaper than paying for a brain surgeon.

Fancy it?

You get what you pay for.

Invest in career coaching and achieve 100% success.

Or keep talking to EVERYONE and stay stuck.

Your choice.

If you want success, message me.


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