How to ditch a #### job that is making you unhappy.

I am anti-toxic workplaces, not anti-education. But after 20-years in the profession, there is a notably growing trend… unhappy teachers and school leaders feeling trapped in school environments that treat them badly.

You deserve better. Everyone has the right to a workplace that is not toxic. So here is how to ditch the dirt and find a happier life.

  1. Recognise the signs if the balance shifts from general “bad day” blues to an ongoing miserable existence at work that seeps into other areas of your life making you unhappy.
  2. Know your bottom line. It is powerful to know exactly what you can “exist on” should you need to simply get out. You don’t need to settle for your bottom line but understanding your wiggle room will provide you with the most options.
  3. Start with a decision: a) another role / school setting to change environment within education; b) another role to exit education and go for a career change (even if you don’t know what else to do yet).
  4. Set a time scale to put plans in place. This will involve knowing which notice deadline you will be aiming to hand in your notice. It doesn’t have to be the immediate one; but having the deadline identified makes your plans real.
  5. Get support. This may involve union support to deal with a current situation but remember also to seek support from someone who can help you plan your exit strategy and keep you progressing towards your new role.

I’m a career coach and professional CV writer. With a long-standing career in education and personal experience of exiting toxic environments, I support people who are lost or stuck at a crossroads to find their right path and have the courage to move forward to live a life they will love.

You do not need to walk the path alone. I can help you by:

  • Understanding exactly which steps you need to take next.
  • Empathise with your situation having experience it (and escaped).
  • Offering a proven step-by-step journey with real results.
  • Personalising extensive support through bespoke coaching.
  • Building your confidence and understanding so you can find your right path.
  • Enabling you to leave toxicity behind and discover career happiness.

Book a free consultation to find out if you have what it takes to become one of the 4 clients I shall be working with this term.  Places strictly limited for maximum personalised attention and support offered.


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