Honey, when you asked for the wall to be stripped, could you be more specific?

Oops! It started off as a job to change the wallpaper.

But like a winning slot machine, the plaster just kept on giving.

A pay-out of rubble and dust. Somehow, I just knew that the money flow would be in reverse. It was going to cost me more than a new roll of wallpaper.

My wife gave me “that look.”

My 4-year-old son shrieked with excitement and said, “Oh no, Daddy – you missed a bit.”

Exposing the problem

The wall was not a surprise.

It did not happen because I’m hopeless at house maintenance. It happened because I did the job properly.

We’d experienced a problem with guttering. The wall was damp. The plaster rotten. Sure, I could paper over the plaster – hide the problem. The damp would come back. The plaster would rot more.

Or I could strip the wall back to the bricks – expose the problem. Allow the bricks to dry out. Fix the problem. Use new plaster. Then redecorate the room.

Anyone can use a sticky plaster approach (excuse the pun) and hide the issue under a temporary and ineffective “fix”.

Why doing the job right is more effective than a sticky plaster “fix”

I hate this approach. It drove me mad in education when this was used (or expected) when the outcome would be further rot in time.

Do the job properly. If you have a problem, have it fixed by a professional coach who can and WILL help you expose the real issue behind your emotional wall.

It is only when you can fully understand why your job is making you unhappy you can discover the long-term effective solution.

If you want a sticky plaster to paper over the cracks, walk away now – I am not the coach for you.

If you want a permanent fix so you can find your right career path and transform your life – message me for a free consultation


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