When to turn off the life support system.

It is not something anyone wants to face. It is not a life choice.

But sometimes life throws these decisions our way. There is no option.

As a parent, I have faced having my new-born son on life support.

We were told explicitly that we needed to be prepared as our child would probably die.

He didn’t.

Noah (aged 4) is a fighter.

I love that about him.

But experiences shape us.

Being thrown into a world of a babies’ ICU ward is full of noise and alarm.

We adapt.

We adjust to new realities.

The noise of life support machines became a comfort.

Even the alarms being triggered ceased to cause panic.

We knew which alarms were okay.

We also knew when to clear the decks when Noah’s breathing tube blocked, and he stopped breathing. He died briefly. He came back.

It was obvious in this situation. Do NOT turn off the life support system.

But what happens when your situation is gradual?

A slowly boiled lobster gets used to the heat until it is too late.

This is often the case for people in careers that are so ill-fitting it makes them ill.

You are used to feeling stressed and miserable.

You are used to the dread of going to work.

You can no longer hear the alarms.

Has your life already stopped?

Not literally (yet).

But ceasing to LIVE because of work?

To save LIVING a good quality of life, sometimes you need to know when to turn off the life support system.

If your career is no longer supporting your LIFE, turn it off – get another job!

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I am more than qualified to support you reclaim your life, so you can live a life you’ll love.


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