How to get noticed in your career-change interview

Finally, you get shortlisted after the endless CV submission marathon and your big moment is looming… you have an interview for a great job that will put your career change on the map.

It’s just one interview that stands between you and your dream.

The pressure is on… so how can you be sure to get noticed?

Glue a coffee cup to the roof of your car? Well, yes… that will get you noticed but maybe not the way you’d hope. And it’s unlikely to help your career change.

The sure-fire way to be noticed in an interview is simple…


Not too long, not too short but most importantly, spell out how your skills and experience make you the perfect candidate for the specific role within that specific company.

This means you need to RESEARCH ahead of time. This means you need to have an outline plan of what you will say ahead of time.

How to stand out in a job interview

Think of it like a formula. Think of a QWERTY keyboard.

  • Question
  • What skills/experience do you need to demonstrate you have to answer this question?
  • Example of when you used those skills and experience.
  • Relevance to the role you are applying for.
  • Transferable to this specific company / industry.
  • YOU – what do you bring to enhance the company / industry… why YOU?

Now go smash it… because if you make your answers relevant in the interview, you WILL be noticed.

Need more guidance on getting your dream job, I offer a range of coaching services.

Book a free consultation.


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