A letter to Year-6 primary school parents

Dear Year-6 Parents,

Moments are precious. Another big milestone is reached. Over the years, I have had the privilege to see thousands of children take that big transition from primary to secondary school. Every one of them a special moment in time.

Walk your child to school one last time this week. Even if they don’t want you to.

Laugh about the sticks and stones they used to collect on the way to school or the paintings and “creations” they so carefully carried home.

Reminisce about their sports days or the funny events from their nativity plays.

These are special moments in time.

Tell them how proud you are of them and how excited you are to see them grow.

Remember how tiny their hand was when you held it on their first day of school, and how big their uniform looked on their little frame as they walked by your side.

There may have been tears then. There will almost certainly be tears again now. Every year the Year 6 children cannot wait to leave primary school; every year when the actual time comes, the significance of this important milestone hits home.

Hold their hand again as you walk with them one last time this week to primary school.

Yes, there may be tears, but your child is ready to move on and grow.

And remember, you have done a great job!

Yours, Will


Primary headteacher

Life coach and Career coach

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