Think you cannot overcome reality to live your dreams?

Here was my reality journey to overcome to get dream jobs and lifestyle…

Aged 18

Career aspiration – professional ski instructor

Reality – I was unable to ski at the time

Action – I wrote to every hotel within a small resort – population 1431 – that I had my heart set on in Switzerland in an area I had never been to. I did not speak the language. I also had no concrete skills or experience either. A big fat zero. But this is where I wanted to find a job – in one of the most expensive resorts in Switzerland in an area of just 41.7 km². I was employed and learnt to ski.

Current status – I have met my ski hero and have fulfilled my dreams… I now aspire to ski with my ski hero down one of the most challenging runs in that resort before I am 60.

Aged 21

Career aspiration – sports coach / sports psychologist

Reality – I had no qualifications or sporting expertise

Action – I studied A-Level psychology in 1-year instead of 2 years and became a volunteer sports coach, which ticked enough boxes. I went on to discover my sporting skills in ice skating (another winter sport theme emerging) and competed seriously for several years.

Current status – ‘retired’ from skating after gold medal, long-standing coach is my son’s godfather… potential to enter an international competition for over 60s if my back allows.

Aged 24

Career aspiration – sports journalist / professional writer

Reality – no experience

Action – changed degree from drama to literature, successfully landed role as sports journalist for the University.

Current status – I am a professional CV writer, published poet, spending large parts of my week writing blogs and articles, loving it.

Aged 27

Career aspiration – teacher, advanced skills teacher, leader, headteacher

Reality – working as cabin crew

Action – trained to be a teacher and worked my way through the ranks

Current status – achieved everything I set out to achieve in education

Aged 50

Career aspiration – full circle, back to coaching and psychology

Reality – left headship job and free-falling

Action – sourced business start-up coaching and set up my own business

Current status – 1 year 8 months into my venture, I’m a professional coach who helps people with their mindset to Live Daring Dreams and still have a passion for winter sports.

Follow your dreams, they know the way

Every step, the reality looked impossible. Every step, taking action made it possible. Every step (although I did not know it at the time) led to my dream job and lifestyle now. It is never too late to start the journey…

Take action… message and let’s start with your mindset – the key to unlocking your daring dreams.


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