Does your job application spark enough interest?

Does your CV flame the interest of those seeking to shortlist?

Anyone can generate a few sparks of interest, but if you really want to fan the flames and really get those sparks to fly, it takes a professional.

To illustrate this point, I recently lit a fire and took two photos. It is the same fire taken on the same night and time frame,  in the same weather conditions

The photo on the left is the fire without intervention.

The photo on the right it the fire when I intervened (without aids) or adding anything different to the flames. It became a spectacular display of sparks that lit up the night.

Now think which you would like to represent your job application.

Sure, you can go it aloneā€¦ just make sure you get the right amount of sparks.

If not, you are going to need help to set the world alight to land that dream job.

Ready to take action?

Message now before your passion goes cold.


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