Are you under pressure at work? Good. Here’s how to use it with a twist.

Pressure is often associated with negative events – but, pressure in itself can be the most amazing tool in your career, so long as you know how to use it.

It is not pressure that is negative. It is the amount of pressure that determines the outcome. Like anything, too much of something is rarely good: too much sugar; too much salt. All bring negative health consequences – too much pressure works the same way.

Too little pressure makes us lethargic and apathetic. We would lack any form of drive or motivation if pressure did not exist at all.

Finding the right amount of pressure is exactly where we can optimize our outcomes and perform at our peak. Often the most successful people know where on their stress curve they need to be in order to optimize peak performance.

But here is a twist.

There is another category of highly successful people. Those who have been subjected to too much pressure, whose performance has been micro-analysed until their confidence was destroyed. They were criticized unfairly, had others not believe in them, left trampled and alone in the hardest of conditions.

Like a phoenix they rise from the fire, diamonds formed under pressure, inner-strength fortified, soaring so high in their success that those who tried to hold them down are mere specks of dust far beneath them.

Embrace that pressure. Use that fire. Let it burn within until you blast from that place and fly higher than you ever dreamed possible.

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